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Live with LogRhythm at RSA

Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:03:25 GMT

Dave Pack from LogRhythm dropped in to see me at the booth (come see us at booth 2240 South hall) booth here at RSA.  As you know LogRhythm has been sponsoring my real training for free webinars for many years and is one of my favorite SIEMs so I thought I’d do a quick interview to see what’s new at LogRhythm.

Video transcript:

Randy:  Alright, so we’re live here at RSA at the UltimateWindowsSecurity Booth and I got David Pack here.  We’ve done a lot of webinars together in the past on the Windows Security log.  LogRhythm has got an awesome SIEM.  You know how much I love it for a number of reasons.  So what’s new?  What are you guy’s doing?  What’s some big stuff?

David:  Yeah, so what we’re really focusing on is building a workflow to handle the full threat life cycle.

Randy:  Ok.

David:   You know, everything from that initial detection to providing the tools to validate and qualify the detection, moving it into case management where evidence can be gathered and you know, a true, full picture of the story be put together and then ultimately adding on automated response actions to that.  You know, the whole goal is to lower the time to detect these events and then also lower the time to respond to these events, get them identified and cleaned up as quickly as possible.

Randy:  So, you know, what is that that you’re doing?  Are you building, you know, I can take notes and I can add stakeholders to this incident and document what is my resolution?

David:  That’s right.  It’s a fully integrated case management feature within the SIEM and you know, the workflows are, you can add evidence, different types of evidence.  It could be log data, it could be raw logs, it could be attachments, it could be notes.  Add different collaborators in.  You could get to the case from a URL where you add an external collaborator that doesn’t actually have an account with a log in.  You might need HR to come do one specific task.  You can add them and then do their task and move on.

Randy:   Yeah, because what if you’ve got a company that is already using another collaboration tool, like, I hate to use other product names while I’m interviewing a good sponsor friend, but you know, like Asana, Wrike, because you know we are looking at using that kind of stuff, but that’s cool you could just create a new task or project over there if there’s other stakeholders that you don’t want in your SIEM.

David:  That’s right.

Randy:  And just put that URL there. 

David:  Yeah, and there’s an API to integrate and some integration in the works with some of those other popular ticketing and case management type systems that are out there. So we kind of understand we need to play well with other solutions.  This is really supposed to be the start at least of that threat management life cycle.

Randy:  I like that.  So instead of just hey there’s something you need to look at and then you’re on your own.  We’re going to facilitate the whole process because that’s really only the beginning, the alert in the SIEM or that light on the dash board, really that’s just beginning.

David:  That’s right.  What we were seeing, a lot of people were dropping alerts or you know, they’d start working on one and got pulled away to do something else, came back and a different alert may have came in and that initial one kind of was forgot about, so they didn’t really have a place to, alright let’s start a case here, formal workflow, formal collaborators, a place to gather other types of evidence and workflow and pull it all together.

Randy: I like it.  What about knowledge management.  Do you still work in the knowledge engineering area?

David: It’s LogRhythm Labs.

Randy: So, I’m always interested in that because obviously what built UltimateWindowsSecurity and what my folks, my audience is always interested in is how do we interpret log data and you guys have made such a big investment over the years with a whole department devoted to getting that knowledge and codifying it inside a log rhythm.  So, I’m always interested in hearing what’s new there.

David: So that’s still happening.  That’s just an ongoing investment, you know, we write all the parsing and normalization rules.  That’s really what enables our real time analytics engine to do its job, basically adding structure to all its log data.  So that’s an ongoing thing, something we always do for everything that can generate a log out there.  The other half of LogRhythm Labs is really focused on the security analytics, the actual analytic rules that are finding bad things that are happening.  So one of the things we’ve recently done is developed what we call a security analytics co-pilot service where we will help organizations get these analytical modules properly deployed in their environment, up and running.  We will have periodic check-ins to help them understand what is the meaning when this alert fires.  We’ll give them some recommended actions to take.  Okay, you might want to joule down on the impacted hose and then pivot off to this user and really kind of be their analytics co-pilot, help them get the most they can out of all the content that Log Rhythm Labs is producing.

Randy:  That’s cool.  You know, the fact that you guys, I know that I always harp on this, but it’s still, I think, core to what makes LogRhythm what it is and it’s the normalization and categorization, but here’s the thing that always gets me.  Alright, parse as many log sources as you can, but when you come up with a threat signature, you don’t have to write that threat signature for every log source out there that produces those kind of events, right?

David: That’s right.  

Randy:  Can you just explain how the fact that the events are normalized allows you really write that threat signature criteria or rule one time?

David: Right, so you know, so all of these rules are basically working against the normalized layer of data, LogRhythm terminology.

Randy: A log on is a log on is a log on.

David: A log on is a log on.  Every log that comes through the system is identified and what we call a common event, where a log on is a log on regardless of the operating system or the application.  So the rule might say, you know, X number of failed logons followed by logons, so classic use case, but because we’re normalizing everything across the board, it works against everything.

Randy:  Yeah, yeah, that’s cool.  Well, I love that.  I also love the fact, let me just put a plug in for my software company LogBinder.  You guys have integrated and normalized the events that our software LogBinder generates from SharePoint, SQL Server and Exchange right into the rest of everything else that LogRhythm can show you.  And so, we’ve got some customers in common that are using that to good effect.

David:  Absolutely, yeah, yeah it’s great data for SOC to have or an IT organization to have access to and it’s pretty difficult to get to work without a product like yours, you know, working with a product like ours.

Randy:  Yeah.

David:  It’s a great relationship.

Randy: Some good synergy.

David: A lot of good value there, absolutely.

Randy: Alright, well thanks, I know you have to get back to your booth.  Thanks for coming by, David.

David: Thanks Randy.  Thanks for having me.

If you are at RSA come see me at booth 2240 in the South Hall and LogRhythm is at 1207 South hall.  

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