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Vulnerability Scanning Done Right

Wed, 15 Oct 2014 11:22:46 GMT

Vulnerability scanning can be a smart way to reduce risk on corporate networks. But, there’s a dark side to vulnerability scanning, too.

For instance, scan reports may show that your network is safe when threats still exist. Scanners can also create a deluge of information, and leave you bewildered about where to begin. Additionally, important assets may not be scanned because of a fear of affecting availability. And you can waste a lot of time and effort correcting detected vulnerabilities that don’t really matter.

So, what can you do? To maximize the value of vulnerability scanning, you need to:

  • Manage executive expectations
  • Coordinate with patch and configuration management
  • Be aware of the context of your network, priorities and risk profile
  • Automate all aspects of vulnerability management
  • Ensure that new systems and network expansions aren’t missed

Explore this white paper to learn how to accomplish all this, and make your vulnerability scanning more meaningful to your business.

Click here to download the white paper.

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