Getting Out of the Way of Green Initiatives: Power Management Joins Patch Management

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What does information security and green initiatives have in common?  A lot actually – at least in the case of patching.

In this webinar I will look at amount of energy used by idle computers (especially desktops and laptops) and how patching becomes a hold up in when organization’s green initiatives seek to implement centrally controlled power management over their fleet of computers. 
This conflict is a growing problem and you don’t want to be a roadblock to green environment initiatives or to saving on energy costs for that matter.  On the other hand you have to keep your systems secure and with today’s zero day vulnerabilities it’s more important than ever to have the ability to patch systems whenever you need to and as quickly as possible.

After my presentation Shavlik with briefly debut the latest version of their patch management solution that incorporates integrated power management to address these issues.

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