Auditing the Windows/Active Directory Environment

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The Windows/Active Directory environment encompasses workstations, domain controllers, file servers, application servers and database servers as well as infrastructure technologies like LDAP directory services and Kerberos centralized authentication.

For most organizations this environment is also the basis for key components of IT security such as identity management and access control.  

Furthermore the applications, databases and information hosted on Windows computers is only secure as your Windows and Active Directory environment – regardless of controls implemented at the higher application and database levels.  

In this real training webinar, Windows and Active Directory security and audit expert, Randy Franklin Smith will show you why the Windows/AD environment really requires 3 different infrastructure audit projects:
- Windows workstations
- Windows servers
- Active Directory

In this webinar made possible by and,  you will learn where Group Policy fits into these infrastructure audits and Randy will explain how these infrastructure audits should inform the application audits you perform.  

Don’t miss this opportunity to get the big picture for how to audit and assess risk in your overall Microsoft environment and the applications that function within it.
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