Unpacking the Evolution of Geopolitical Cyberattack Tactics, Step-By-Step

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Your organization’s cybersecurity strategy is founded – at least in part – on the premise that you have an idea of what the attacker is after.  In most cases it’s data or access for financial gain – and so you put controls in place to protect, monitor, detect, and respond to anything that may present itself as a threat to that which you’re securing.

But geopolitical tension has risen over the last decade, impacting risk management considerations for all small-to-medium enterprises, as the line between financially and politically motivated cybercrime continues to blur.

Traditionally, cyberattacks were conducted primarily by two types of adversaries: financially motivated cybercriminals (e.g., Lapsus$) and state-sponsored hackers (e.g., Volt Typhoon). Today, as international tension mounts, we are seeing the rapid proliferation of a third threat actor category: ideologically motivated – or hacktivist – groups.

And because these groups are intent on an end-goal different from the previous two adversary types, organizations like yours need to understand the evolution of adversary behavior, anticipate the implications for your organization, and implement the necessary capabilities to reduce your risk.

In this Real Training for Free webcast, 4-time Microsoft MVP Nick Cavalancia once again takes my seat as he first discusses:

  • The growth and reality of geopolitical cyberattacks
  • The impacts of these attacks to governments and organizations alike
  • Who’s actually at risk… and does that include *your* organization?

Up next, you’ll hear from Tomer Aviram, Sr. CyOps Analyst at Cynet who will provide insights based on the threat intelligence the Cynet CyOps team collects and analyzes to keep Cynet partners and customers secure.

Tomer will demonstrate relevant tactics in action. He will deliver step-by-step breakdowns and the necessary security capabilities to detect and block three real-world threats:

  • Infostealers (using “StrelaStealer” in demo)
  • Social engineering (using recent phishing campaign against EU targets in demo)
  • Vulnerability exploitation (using recent Check Point zero day in demo)

This Real Training for Free session will be full of real-world application.

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