Top 5 Challenges with Scaling Out Windows Event Collection

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Over the years log collection has evolved. Many years ago, when I first started this website, the focus was on the Security Log, hence In recent years, instead of collecting important events in the Windows Security Log from high value servers and workstations, I have seen a big push to start collecting events from the System, Application, Sysmon, PowerShell, Firewall and various other logs from every endpoint, servers and workstations, in the environment. 

If you are a small shop with a handful of workstations and a server or two, then this can be done easily. Once you start to scale out to multiple collectors and thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of endpoints then this can be quite a task. Add on the need to load balance these endpoints across multiple domains and it’s nearly impossible to do this manually. 

There are many challenges once you start to scale out WEC. In this webinar we will discuss 5 of the most common issues:

  • Overloading the ForwardedEvents log
  • Multi-domain collector and forwarder health
  • Stalled event logs and subscriptions
  • Manual Load Balancing
  • High level discussion of types of domain trusts and their relationship to WEC
  • Cross domain forwarding with WEC

After discussing these issues, the WEC experts at LOGbinder will share their experience and what they have gleaned over the years in working with WEC. They will also demonstrate how their Supercharger solution addresses the issues above, especially with Supercharger’s new Cross Domain Forwarding feature.

I am also looking forward to you sharing any issues or questions you may have about WEC and how we can help you be successful with your WEC implementation.

If you are just starting to explore WEC or are already deep in to your deployment of WEC, you won’t want to miss this webinar.

Join us for this real training for free session!

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