A Security Analyst’s Deep Dive Analysis of the Solarmarker Malware Dropper

Webinar Registration

Solarmarker is a modular, multistage, heavily obfuscated PowerShell loader, which leads to a .NET compiled backdoor being executed. Solarmarker is flexible enough to deliver a range of final modules, including Mars (a staging component), Jupyter (an information stealer), and Uranus (a keylogger).

Using SEO poisoning and malicious PDFs, Solarmarker’s presence has been increasing over the last few months, demonstrating its ability to successfully evade detection, infect victims, and steal information.

In this real-training-for-free session, Microsoft MVP and cybersecurity expert Nick Cavalancia takes my seat, and will first discuss:

  • Attacks involving Solarmarker
  • The value of evasive techniques
  • Mapping Solarmarker to the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Joining Nick will be Willow Shipperley – Associate Detection & Response Analyst from Rapid7. Willow will walk you through a deep dive demo of Solarmarker from a security analyst’s perspective, including:

  • An analysis of Solarmarker’s more recent updates
  • Anti-analysis methods used
  • Solarmarker’s somewhat confusing (at first glance) method of hiding the legitimate payload from detection

Willow will also be providing a demo of how the malware works, via a live execution in a sandbox VM, followed by the presentation of useful logs and files such as winevt logs (PowerShell Operational Logs). Willow will explain how the code executes, as well as the usage of persistence mechanisms and anti-analysis techniques such as hiding malicious PowerShell in registry keys and building the final first stage payload live/running it in memory.

Samples used will be pulled from real cases. The highlight of the demonstration is to show the evolution of the malware (as the original version which many articles have been written about is significantly simpler), as well as to provide insight into how malware triage works.

This real training for free event will be jam packed with technical detail and real-world application. Register today!

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