Extra Vigilance: Top 3 Ways to Adapt Your Security Log Monitoring for the Surge in Working from Home

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With so many employees working from home, you probably need to throw out your old base-line of normal activity – especially on the network plane. In this real training for free event we will look at the intersection of security monitoring and the surge in working-from-home most organizations are currently experiencing.

This isn’t just a matter of changing your security monitoring to understand new access patterns from remote workers. There’s also a need to beef up security monitoring to compensate for other controls that may now be bypassed. Any control dependent on or based on the assumption that most user endpoints are on the internal network are now powerless to help protect you. 

Users are working on insecure home networks and even from personal PCs. That means entire swaths of security technologies you’ve deployed in the past are basically idle. On top of that users are likely using new tools such as online meeting apps that haven’t been vetted or factored into your security plan.

Finally, the bad guys are leveraging all of these changes with new attacks that exploit our users and organizations when and where we are most vulnerable.

In this webinar we will look at how to adapt to the new risks and changing dynamics. Some of the things we’ll discuss are:

  • How to determine new apps being employed by users
  • Discovering growing blind spots tied to the work-from-home surge
  • Finding points of remaining visibility
  • Identifying sources of audit information neglected in the past that can now be leveraged to fill the gap in visibility
  • How far upstream on your application chain can you recognize remote users?
  • Keeping up with increased cloud usage and resource sharing with external users

In particular, having visibility into Office 365, SharePoint Online and Teams is more important than ever.

Our sponsor for this real training for free event is Quest who for many years have provided audit spotlights into a vast array of applications and systems.  Brian Hymer will show us how Quest’s awesome solutions can help you audit, monitor and protect your endpoints, resources and applications, whether they happen inside or outside your corporate network, or in the cloud, as we all settle into this new WFH normal.

Please join us for this real training for free session.

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