Passive Inventory of Security Risks, Endpoints, Applications and Cloud Usage through Network Traffic Analysis

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Over and over again I see companies dumb founded by what is on their network that they didn’t know about. The larger your network, the harder it becomes to really know the depth and breadth of devices, operating systems and applications in use on your network. Moreover, it’s even more difficult to know which cloud and SaaS technologies are being used. But it’s critical that we do for compliance, vulnerability management and many other reasons both specific to security and general to IT.

Of course there are systems management, asset inventory and vulnerability scanning technologies, and they each have their place, but like any other technology are subject to limitations. System management and asset management systems can only report on systems they know about and have an agent running or remote access. But often we are most interested in identifying the other systems out there that aren’t under centralized control. 

In this real training for free event we will look at the power of network traffic analysis to answer these questions simply by looking at the packets flowing through key areas of your network. If you have the knowledge and analytical power, you can determine a wealth of information about your internal network and your organization’s total cloud engagement footprint by just looking at the packets – even in today’s environment where so much of the traffic is encrypted.

Here are some of the questions we’ll explore how to answer with network traffic analysis:

  • What are all my endpoints?
  • What OS, versions and applications are they running?
  • What are all my servers and what applications are they hosting?
  • Who are the clients and users on those servers?
  • Lateral movement of malware or attackers
  • Bandwidth analysis for detecting suspicious network flows
  • Detecting risks associated with BYOD

Rapid7 is our sponsor and their recent acquisition of NETFORT allows us to tap their subject matter experts on leveraging network traffic analysis for really knowing your network hour to hour. Bob Rudis will help me with the educational portion of this event and his team will demonstrate much of what we talk about.

Please join us for this real training for free session.

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