APT Confidential: 14 Lessons Learned from Real Attacks

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Information about attacker methods is difficult to obtain until you are the victim and that’s too late.
I have just finished a project made possible by CarbonBlack in which I was able to interview customers and engineers who have first-hand experience with APTs. CarbonBlack engineers have frequent opportunities to investigate APT attempts and work with customers to examine the malware used by attackers.
A common thread that emerged was the difficulty of preventing the delivery of APT malware to systems or of quickly detecting the attack once the malware was active.
But in between these 2 events, there is a golden opportunity to stop the attack in its tracks by leveraging trust based security technology.
In this webinar, I will drill down into how to leverage that golden opportunity to stop APTs early in the attack and I will share 14 different lessons that can be drawn from looking at real APT incidents. Here’s a sneak peak:
  • You are up against 3 types of attackers
  • Partner organizations can be collateral damage
  • You don’t need nuclear warheads to be a target
  • All it takes is one
  • APTs use many methods to advance along the kill chain
  • New targeting method: “Watering Holes”
  • Trusting personal email accounts for business is dangerous. (You’ll be surprised why)
  • Want to get hacked? Focus too much on high-value targets
I learned so much from this project and I can’t wait to share it with you.
Don’t miss this real training for free™ event. Please register now!
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