Securing Sensitive Content in SharePoint Sites: What You Need to Know Now

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How protected is the sensitive and regulated information in your SharePoint environment?  SharePoint isn’t the casual, non-critical team use case scenario it started out as.  Today I regularly find sensitive personnel matters, confidential meeting notes and product plans, patient and customer information as well has spreadsheets used for financial reporting.
This only makes sense because SharePoint has many and varied use cases, including as Intranet/Extranet sites, content management repositories, team collaboration sites, and public facing websites. Couple this with the ease with which users can post, share, and store information to SharePoint, and the odds of sensitive or regulated information ending up in your sites are high.
In this webcast my guest, Mike Fleck, from CipherPoint and I will explore the security issues related to confidential information being stored in SharePoint sites, including protecting against insiders, and architecting your sites to meet compliance requirements. Technical approaches and challenges to the problem of securing data in SharePoint will be discussed.
We are conducting a survey in conjunction with this event that will shed light on the actual prevalence of sensitive information in SharePoint today as well as the state of its protection.  We’ll share the results during the webinar.
If your SharePoint sites are currently used to store confidential information, or if you would like to extend the SharePoint platform in your organization to new use cases involving sensitive or regulated information, this webcast will help to educate you and inform your decision making.
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