Thanks to the nearly 700 of you that participated in this year's Community Survey. This year we asked you about the state of security in four areas:
- Endpoints
- Patching
- Cloud
- Mobile
We asked about endpoints because endpoint security continues to be the weakest area for most organizations—leading to many of the data breaches that are constantly in the news. Patching is closely related, as so many endpoint security risks can be addressed only through patches. We also asked about cloud and mobile security, which are by far the biggest and most disruptive trends in IT today, with security concerns front and center.
In this webinar I'll share the highlights of what we learned. The survey provides visibility into the uses, concerns, and challenges that IT organizations face because of these critical cross points in the changing IT landscape. Because organizations differ, we took note of both differences and similarities in organizational size, to allow for a proper comparison of the focus and concerns of enterprise (1,000+ employees), midsize (101 to 999), and small (1 to 100) businesses.
Some of the key points we'll discuss:
- Endpoint security remains a priority
- How much do organizations use the cloud and for what workloads?
- Where are companies in terms of Enterprise Mobility Management?
- Where are the key gaps and risks in patch management today?
This year HEAT Software (formerly Lumension) again sponsored this webinar and Rob Kelsall will briefly point out how HEAT and Lumension products can help address some of the issues revealed by this year's survey.
Everyone who attends will receive an advance copy of the full report! Please register now!