Top 12 Most Damaging Active Directory Security Malpractices

Webinar Registration

I have combed through the risk findings in my audits and assessments of Active Directory at different organizations over the years and identified a number of common but very dangerous practices that increase risk, create audit issues and hurt compliance. Likewise Alvaro Vitta (from our sponsor, Dell) has spent years consulting with companies to solve Active Directory problems. We've combined our lists and developed the best ways to mitigate or replace these malpractices with better methods.

Here's a few of the things we are going to cover:

  • Failure to dedicate domain controllers
  • Failure to handle physical access issues at branch offices
  • Mis-managed privileged groups
  • Use of identical local credentials across disparate systems
  • Placing accounts in built-in users containers
  • No real testing or planning of disaster recovery for Active Directory
  • Granting excessive permissions
  • Treating VIP accounts as regular users
  • Logging on to unsecured workstations or browsing web with admin accounts
  • Monitoring AD security by just looking at events logs
  • Disregard for attack surface area

But we'd like to hear from you as well. When you register for this real training for free webinar, please tell us the top problems, risks and security pain points you have encountered or are currently dealing with in Active Directory. Alvaro and I will use your pre-webinar feedback to help prioritize the problems we cover and, just in case, to uncover any new problems we've never encountered.

I think this is going to be an awesome webinar because we are drawing from the experience of a lot of experts – you included. We are going to identify the biggest problems commonly found and how to solve them.

Alvaro will briefly discuss how Dell Software's wide array of technologies can help you solve issues with AD, improve compliance and save you time. Join me for this real training for free ™ webinar. Please register now!

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