Until we find the silver bullet for security we have to erect multiple layers of defense. In this webinar we'll talk about a seemingly simple but highly effective measure for making it much more difficult for data thieves to exfiltrate data from your network.
Over and over again I've noticed that so called advanced threats and data breach actors use standard file transfer protocols like good old FTP to get data out of the victim organization's network.
This is true in the Target breach. To see what I mean, just search FTP in the congressional report on the Target breach http://www.commerce.senate.gov/public/?a=Files.Serve&File_id=24d3c229-4f2f-405d-b8db-a3a67f183883.
The fact of the matter is, file transfers need to be controlled inside and certainly outside the organization. In this webinar we will look at how to lock down file transfer protocols at key points on your network but we'll also examine the very real need to actively support file transfer for legitimate business purposes.
File transfer is often handled as an ad hoc, peripheral after thought in systems design, security and network architecture. However, file transfer between internal systems and business partners is a critical way that business gets accomplished and processes are executed.
But uncontrolled file transfer makes it just too easy for malicious insiders and outside attackers to get data out of your network.
Allowing uncontrolled file transfers is like a country allowing entire trains with hundreds of loaded freight cars to cross its borders without any customs control. Certainly a recipe for disaster.
After my real-training-for-free webinar, Andrew Lorandos from Ipswitch will show you how their MOVEit managed file transfer solution allows you to get control of this problem while making the flow of legitimate file transfers even easier and more reliable. Improving security and business at the same time is recipe for success. Please register now.